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Updated: Apr 16, 2021

As Listening Tree approaches it’s 5th Birthday we have been reflecting on where we came from, where we are going and how we can best serve our community in Lancashire and beyond.


Listening Tree was founded by Annie Mann and Sally Proctor to initially support those affected by separation, loss or bereavement, providing supporting services to help them overcome their difficulties and achieve positive and lasting changes for the future. The service focused on therapeutic interventions mainly on a 1:1 basis with some training and workshop sessions on demand. Over time the services Listening Tree provides has evolved as emerging needs of the local community have been identified. The company has grown to include two associates and a service administrator and is now based in an office in Leyland. The remit of Listening Tree has broadened to include, as well as bereavement and loss support; specialist support to many schools across the county in relation to general health and well-being, supervision support for schools, training on a variety of topics and general counselling.

We have recently undertaken a service review and as a result have amended our offer. Listening Tree is able to provide bespoke provision based on individual need. We are hoping to extend our services further due to demand and with this in mind we welcome any suggestions our community may wish to make about how they would like us to develop. This can be done via our ‘Contact Us’ on the website.

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